I am working on a compiler implemented in F# targeting Python (the ultimate goal is to generate scripts that run inside of Houdini). That means that at some point I am going to have to write strings of Python code out to a file.
I want to avoid the error-prone1 process of concatenating strings together myself. My ideal approach is to generate a Python AST and have that decompile into a valid Python source. This is possible in Python using the built in ast
module and the astor
>>> import ast
>>> import astor
>>> code = ast.IfExp(
... ast.Compare(ast.Name("a", None), [ast.Gt()], [ast.Name("b", None)]),
... ast.Call(ast.Name("some_function", None), [ast.Num(100)], [], None, None),
... ast.Call(ast.Name("some_other_function", None), [ast.Num(50)], [], None, None))
>>> astor.to_source(code)
'(some_function(100) if (a > b) else some_other_function(50))'
But I am not writing my compiler in Python, I am writing it in F#.2 It turns out using IronPython and some crimes one can get it to work if one was so motivated.
IronPython does expose AST types, but they are not the same AST types that the Python ast
module produces, and as a result they are not usable for source code generation. Instead, I use my own discriminated union as an idiomatic stand-in for the Python AST. A healthy dose of crimes runtime reflection allows us to bridge the type safe world of F# and the dynamic stringly typed world of IronPython with minimal effort.
Instead of astor I opted for the more lightweight codegen
project, a single python file that exclusively performs AST to Python source generation, but the approach is the same. First, we set up our IronPython using the standard procedure.
open System.IO
open IronPython.Hosting
open IronPython.Runtime
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
let engine = Python.CreateEngine()
We follow that by setting up the search paths. This will differ on different systems, but IronPython just needs to be able to find its standard library.
let pythonPath = [|"/usr/lib/python2.7"
Now the fun begins. We define our own AST
type named and shaped exactly like the Python 2.7 AST types. I've only included a few entries here, but the idea is that I would add entries as I encountered corners of the language that I needed.
// based on https://docs.python.org/2.7/library/ast.html
type AST =
| Compare of AST * AST seq * AST seq
| Call of AST * AST seq * AST seq * AST option * AST option
| BinOp of AST * AST * AST
| If of AST * AST seq * AST seq
| IfExp of AST * AST * AST
| Add | Sub | Mult | Div
| Eq | NotEq | Lt | LtE | Gt | GtE | Is | IsNot | In | NotIn
| Num of obj
| Name of string
This is nice, idiomatic, mostly type safe3 F# code. Note that I reproduce some of the cruft that comes from the Python 2.7 AST types (Call
takes two optional nodes) and omit others (Name
should take an extra argument, but it is not in the type) to be dealt with later. We can construct our node similar to how we did in Python above.
let code = IfExp(
Compare(Name "a", [Gt], [Name "b"]),
Call (Name "some_function", [Num 100], [], None, None),
Call (Name "some_other_function", [Num 50], [], None, None))
Converting this into a Python AST node takes a little bit of work, mostly type conversions
let ast = engine.ImportModule("ast")
/// Given a name and an array of arguments returns a Python AST node instance
/// This function handles some special casing and heuristics as well
let pythonAstNode name args =
// look up ast type in ast module by name
let astType = ast.GetVariable(name) :?> Types.PythonType
match name with
// Name takes an extra argument that we always want to be null for now
| "Name" -> engine.Operations.Invoke(astType, Array.append args [|null|])
// invoke the ast type on the provided arguments to return a new instance
| _ -> engine.Operations.Invoke(astType, args)
/// Convert an F# sequence into a Python list
let toList<'a> (s:'a seq) =
let l = List()
for v in s do
l.Add(v) |> ignore
/// Given an instance of our AST union (or sequences or options thereof)
/// return a Python AST node instance, Python list, or null
let rec toPythonAst (a:obj) =
match a with
| :? AST ->
match FSharpValue.GetUnionFields(a, typeof<AST>) with
| case, x -> pythonAstNode case.Name (Array.map toPythonAst x)
| :? seq<AST> as s -> toList (Seq.map toPythonAst s) :> obj
| :? option<AST> as o ->
match o with
| Some v -> toPythonAst v
| None -> null
| _ -> a
We use reflection on our AST
type (FSharpValue.GetUnionFields
) to look up the corresponding Python AST type names in the ast
module. That's why the type names have to match exactly! To avoid this kind of hack I would have to write code that walked the tree and did something like
match ast with
| Call ... -> ast.GetVariable("Call")
| Add ... -> ast.GetVariable("Add")
| Sub ... -> ast.GetVariable("Sub")
Which is tedious unto maddening. You can report me to the functional language police. I will stand for my crimes.
Once that machinery is in place, converting to Python AST nodes and then into source is straightforward.
let codegen = engine.ImportModule("codegen")
let codegenToSource = codegen.GetVariable("to_source") :?> PythonFunction
let pythonCode = toPythonAst code
printfn "%A" (engine.Operations.Invoke(codegenToSource, pythonCode))
And that's it. It's a pretty small amount of code to build a pretty substantial bridge! The whole thing is in this gist.
hello world whatever ↩︎
Early versions of the compiler were written in Python, specifically in anticipation of the code generation requirements, but I found the absence of F#'s type system and pattern matching (or maybe the presence of Python's dynamic mutability and commitment to class-based object oriented programming) to be enough of a deal-breaker to abandon that approach. ↩︎
I am not sure how numbers map between F# and Python, so the Num
node takes an obj
parameter for now. ↩︎